I offer a range of workshops for Years 5 and upwards, as well as one-to-one coaching.

Playwriting for beginners is aimed at young writers who are just beginning to explore what it means to write for the stage, and why we might do that. Usually a two hour session, the workshop involves group discussion, and a series of writing challenges to introduce monologue and duologue, and start a journey with character, structure and theme!

Playing with Shakespeare is a workshop aimed at students who have begun to look at Shakespeare, and aims to enhance their appreciation of the texts. I often open with a short performance from 'The Stories of Shakey P' to introduce the idea of finding a suitable modern context for Shakespeare. Workshops can range from a half day to several days, and can include any or all of the following:
- warm-up games to get a flavour of Shakespeare's language and themes
- an 'Iambic Pentameter Speed-dating' game to get to grips with his rhythm
- an intro to Shakespearean insults, and a Shakespearen rap battle!
- an intro to the story of a Shakespeare play, with 2-min rapid recaps
- a study of original text, and a duologue in rehearsal
- devising a scene based on Shakespearean phrases we still use today
- a modern reimagining of a Shakespeare play
“Charlie's fresh and unusual approach to Shakespeare's work allowed the students to see Macbeth in a new and much more modern way. The students were impressed by his lyrical control over the language and aspired to a similar level of talent! They were given the opportunity to look more closely at the text and thus gained a deeper understanding of Shakespeare's language and purpose.”
Jo Kennedy, Finchley Catholic High School
“Charlie's workshop brought the play to life for our students in a dynamic and engaging performance, before allowing them to experiment with the themes. It was a thrilling session for everyone and his perspective on Shakespeare as a historical figure was refreshing and accessible.”
Marysia Pstrokonska, Clapton Girls' Academy
Shakespeare für Jugendlichen (Germany)
Ich biete Theater-Workshops nun auch in Schulen in ganz Deutschland an. Die Shakespeare Workshops werden speziell auf die Interessen von Kindern (von 11 bis 18 Jahren) zugeschnitten. Der Workshop beginnt mit einer kurzen Rap-Aufführung von mir, die auf einem Shakespeare Stück basiert ist. Anschließend entwerfen die Schüler in Gruppen ihre eigenen Stücke und führen sie vor der Klasse auf.
Der Workshop kann sich nach Wunsch auf ein spezifiches Werk oder Textausschnitt beziehen.
“Mit Witz, Charme und viel Feingefühl schafft Charlie in der Klasse eine wunderbare Atmosphäre, in der selbst der coolste und der schüchternste Schüler Funken fängt. In der dramatischen Realisierung des Sommernachtstraums entdeckten die Jugendlichen in der verwirrenden Komplexität des Stückes ganz subtil, spielend ihre eigenen Gefühle. Und gleichzeitig haucht ihnen Charlie in seiner erfrischenden Echtheit eine Ahnung davon ein, wieviel Freunde das Spiel mit Sprache, mit Wörtern und Rhythmus machen kann. Sie sind in der Tat be-geist-ert und sie wollen immer noch spielen!”
Stefi Lenner, Maria-Theresa Gymnasium, München